is now ""

Can you believe that it has been six years?! I'll bet you thought I gave up on my Locost build for good?
Rumor has it that I sold my incomplete project and disappeared off into the sunset. Well I'm here to dispell that myth... and to let everyone know that I'm "back in the game." Not only have I been making progress on the front suspension, I've also revamped my website and set up a cool email newsletter tool. I have some other tricks up my sleeve that will be revealed over time. Be sure to join my email list to learn about changes to this new website as they happen.
Technology has come a long way since I first started my project in 2001; now I can update my website with photos and even videos directly from my cell phone! (I'm not sure why I want to... but it's pretty cool that I can!) It will also be easier to keep in touch, share mutual interests, provide quality information, and continue to improve upon chassis plans like the McSorley 442. Please post comments to this site and join me in celebrating the journey!
Reader Comments (3)
He has hacked up the full injection manifold and made an adapter to use a small unknown carbeuretor on the car. The electronic ignition has also been basterdized and somehow converted back to points and condensor. Not a good plan.
The steering rack has been mounted below the space frame, so the tie rod ends have to work at an angle of almost 40 degrees from horizontal when the rack is close to full travel, and is always over 30 degrees. I think bump steer might be a consideration with these settings.
So, I have removed the rack and will see how I can remount it inside the frame, and keep the tie rods close to level as possible.
To achieve this I may have to use bolts and Heim Joints as tie rod ends as it looks like the only way I can clear the lower control arm will be to connect to the top of the steering knuckle.
In any event, I am looking forward to finishing this car and enjoying it. If all goes well, I am planning to do another from scratch, hopefully using a Honda s2000 for the donor.
Now that should make a hot 7.
The posts are good but not much blog-posts